Monday, September 13, 2010

Summer's end.

This summer is walking slowly down the street, going away forever. Its September sun shines the same as every year, bringing a nostalgic feeling, but also a fresh start, and the oportunity of making things better.

Though I understand that everything has to end eventually, and I am really looking forward to this autumn, I can't help feeling nostalgic. Not only that I feel sad because this amazing summer has ended, but I feel nostalgic about last summer, too.
This summer has been a great one. I will never forget all the films I watched, all the books I read. All the time I spent drawing or studying. All the songs I used to listen to. When I tell someone about my summer, I realize that all the things I did in August sound much more interesting and exciting that what I did in July. But it is July what I really miss. That's so weird, isn't it? I had much more fun just staying at home than going to a lot of places... From all the days I spent in Madrid, the only nice memory I have is the day I went to the museum, one of the first days of September. The rest of the time I was there means nothing to me.

Now that I'm back home, I spend the days eating candy, watching indie movies and listening to a Creedence Clearwater Revival's CD I've bought recently. I love these days I always spend doing nothing after coming back from the summer holidays. Really relaxing. However, this September sun always brings a rush of bright nostalgia with it.
I can't help thinking of last summer, comparing it with this one. Everything seems to be a copy of a copy of a copy. A few days ago I bought some CD's, Creedence Clearwater Revival's 'Cosmo's Factory' and Pearl Jam's 'Backspacer'. As I look at them, I remember that one year ago, I bought some CD's too. I don't even remember the titles. Something like 'Kerplunk!' and '1039/... slappy hours'. I have never ever listened to the second. Oh, and the books. Last summer I bought 'The Hobbit' (it was really nice seeing it on my shelf when I came back home, I didn't remember I'd bought it) and a spanish edition of 'A Clockwork Orange', which I never managed to finish. Now I've bought, among other books, the English edition of 'A Clockwork Orange', and I've already left it forgotten on the shelf. And that's just an example. I know that it is a stupid thing to buy so many things and then leave them somewhere and forget they exist. But I just can't help. Anyway, what I mean with all this story is that all this paralelism only makes me feel more nostalgic. Like if every year was the same. Like if it was my duty to do the same things year after year, for that would be the only way to be happy.

1 comment:

  1. Nostalgia. All seems to be filled with nostalgia these days. But don't worry dearest, as you said, a new start is yet to come, all we have to do is catching the opportunity.

